by Ulrika Ballinger | Jun 30, 2020 | Health Coaching
Clinical nutritionist Cliff Harvey shares his best tips for weight management. What are the key things we can do to be the healthiest and the happiest we can be, over the long term? Get strong This is one of the most important and under-appreciated points for managing...
by Caryn Zinn | Jun 29, 2020 | Metabolic Health
I’d like to talk to you about energy and calories. Some basics about calories or kilojoules – a calorie or kilojoule is just a unit of energy. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and alcohol supply you with energy or calories, whereas vitamins and minerals...
by Louise Schofield | Jun 15, 2020 | Health Coaching
What is a Health Coach and what do they do? PREKURE CEO Louise Schofield explains. PREKURE was established two years ago by a group of health and medical professionals, who really wanted to put prevention to the forefront of health care. We want a change from what is...
by Grant Schofield (PreKure Chief Science Officer) | Jun 10, 2020 | Metabolic Health
Generally, for most of us, the first couple of days on a new diet or health challenge, is sort of that honeymoon period. We’re all fired up. We’re committed. We’re good to go. But then, for almost all of us, it gets a bit hard, and it’s harder...
by PREKURE | Jun 9, 2020 | Health Coaching
Weight loss is not just a destination, says Dr Carlo Bellini. It’s what you do today that’s going to empower you and get you there. How can we coach ourselves to lose weight? This is a challenging problem for so many people. Let me share with you my...