by Dr Desiree Dickerson | Mar 18, 2020 | Health Coaching
“We need to consider the greater good here. This is a social justice issue” PreKure’s clinical psychologist, Dr Desiree Dickerson shares her very real experience from a locked-down Spain. Each day for the foreseeable future we here at...
by Dr Desiree Dickerson | Oct 8, 2019 | Mental Health
What if we accepted that new challenges will inevitably come in some form or other, and that our exposure to them will in fact make us stronger and more capable. PreKure’s Neuroscientist and Clinical Psychologist, Dr Desiree Dickerson, takes us on a journey through...
by Dr Desiree Dickerson | Oct 3, 2019 | Mental Health
What is resilience? Are we born with it? What can we do to strengthen it? Dr Desiree Dickerson, PreKure’s Neuroscientist and Clinical Psychologist, takes a look at the definitions. How do we define resilience? It’s a term that we use a lot in everyday language....