Food is medicine.
Every single cell in your body depends on what you put in your mouth. For the last 50 years, we’ve been formally guiding people how to eat. We’ve been telling them what percentage of each nutrient, and how many servings from each food group they need. Every country has its own unique set of guidelines to guide its people; what’s common about these guidelines is that they’re nutrient focussed and prescriptive, sometimes even down to the number of grams of certain foods we need to eat daily.
Yet chronic disease continues to escalate. While there is a lot at play that is leading us to ill- health, it might be time to revisit the guidelines.
One size does not fit all in today’s modern world. People eat from all ends of the food and nutrient spectrum, and still enjoy great health, while some people follow dietary guidelines verbatim, yet find themselves in poor health.
So, we have developed our own set of dietary guidelines, The PreKure Dietary Guidelines, and we think these can apply to everyone.
Here they are, so decide for yourself:
- Enjoy nutritious foods every day that are whole and unprocessed.
- Choose vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, seafood, poultry, pork, organ meats, dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes, as tolerated.
- Favour traditional oils, fats and spreads over refined and processed versions.
- Keep total sugar, especially added sugar to a minimum in all foods and drinks.
- Purchase the majority of your foods that don’t come in packages; if you do buy packaged foods, choose items with less than 5 ingredients.
- Choose mostly locally grown food.
- Choose ethically sourced food where possible.
- Plan your time to make food and eating important in your life.
- Prepare, cook, and eat minimally processed traditional foods with family, friends, and your community.
- Eat your meals slowly and consciously, with no distractions.
- Enjoy treats on special occasions and without guilt.
- Keep well hydrated: Drink water mainly, and other drinks with minimal or no added sugar.
- Keep more than half of your week alcohol free. Don’t drink if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
These guidelines are simple, they’re not nutrient prescriptive, they guide you less on what to eat, and more on how to eat, and they don’t force you into a specific dietary pattern corner.
Let’s give a shout out to The PreKure Dietary Guidelines and move forward in great health!