Fitness is Medicine
Here at PreKure we believe being fit is good for you. That being fit increases your quantity and quality of life.
Fitness has 7 components (the seven s’s), and you can choose to emphasise different components depending on your goals:
- strength
- stamina
- suppleness
- skill
- speed
- spritelinesss (agility) and
- psychological
Being fit and active is a daily MUST for people of every age.
The PreKure Fitness Guidelines
1. | Organise your life to include lots of moving and less sitting. |
2. | Exercise in an easy (aerobic) way every day and whenever you can. Do as much as you can fit into your lifestyle, but keep it really easy. |
3. | Exercise in a very hard (anaerobic) way a couple of times a week, go hard but for not that long. |
4. | Lift heavy things (strength training) and use your body weight as resistance a couple of times a week. |
5. | If you are tired from exercise, have a rest. Recovering from the stress of exercise is how your body rebuilds and gets fitter. |
6. | To keep being fit and active, you should find something you enjoy and can do with others. That way you will keep doing it. |