Health Workforce Development Training

Tailored health coach training programmes

  • Training in lifestyle medicine + health coaching, tailored to meet specific community and cultural needs
  • Upskilling for frontline community, support and health workers
  • Superior health outcomes for Māori and Pacific communities  
  • Tackling chronic disease through a lifestyle first approach

Our innovative training in lifestyle medicine + health coaching is co-designed with our partners to achieve longer and healthier lives for our Māori and Pacific communities. 

We upskill frontline community, support and health workers in the very latest lifestyle medicine and health coaching, providing the knowledge, skills and practical tools to help support tāngata whai ora to prevent, manage and treat chronic lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes and mild-to-moderate mental health issues.

This unique approach meets whānau where they are at, equipping frontline health & support workers with the tools to walk alongside those in their care to achieve their health and wellness goals.

Tackling chronic disease in our communities

Reversing Type 2 diabetes

The number of New Zealanders with type 2 diabetes is expected to grow by up to 90 percent over the next 20 years1. Māori and Pacific people currently have 2–4-times greater risk of type 2 diabetes, and are overrepresented in both case numbers and negative health outcomes2.

PREKURE’s innovations in health coaching combined with nutritional science is changing the way diabetes is treated. Working alongside a Health Coach, we empower tāngata whai ora to take ownership and control of their journey to success and provide the life-changing opportunity to achieve diabetes reversal and eliminate diabetes medication.

Results of a recent 12-week trial of PREKURE Diabetes participants working with a PREKURE Health Coach demonstrated that 50% of participants achieved clinically significant (>5mmol/L) reductions in HbA1c, with all participants demonstrating improvements. 30% of participants have reduced their diabetes medication. Here’s what Colin had to say:

“My doctor has halved my diabetes medication, we are shopping better than before. My goal now is to get off all diabetes medication. This is something I thought I would never do”.

Better Mental Health outcomes

Our Māori communities are being disproportionately affected by our escalating mental health crisis, with the prevalence of mental distress among Māori almost 50% higher than among non-Māori3.

The currently under-resourced mental healthcare system is primarily treating those experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety and other mental health issues with medication. Best practice however points to non-pharmacological interventions. These solutions, backed by the latest science, are centred on building mental strength and resilience through lifestyle levers such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress management and connecting with others. The emerging body of research shows us that these lifestyle factors are powerful therapies for those with mild, moderate and even major depressive disorders4.

Health Coaching – the future of healthcare

What is a Health Coach?

A PREKURE Health Coach is trained in the latest science of preventative and lifestyle medicine along with coaching and behaviour change skills, equipping them with the tools to engage with people in a way that builds trust, connects with emotions and drives meaningful and sustainable behaviour change.

With this unique combination of knowledge and skills, Health Coaches are able to provide knowledge, clarity, inspiration, and most importantly, walk alongside whānau to help make the long term, sustainable lifestyle changes needed to improve health today and into the future.

Tailored Health Coach training to support the needs of your community

We co-design tailored training for your organisation and community’s needs to prevent, manage and even reverse chronic lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes, enabling healthier and happier lives.

Working together to create a network of Certified Health Coaches trained in the very latest in lifestyle medicine and health coaching skills, you will see remarkable life-changing health outcomes in your community.

Training for:

  • Māori and Pacific organisations and communities.
  • Educating frontline community, support and health workers.
  • No prior learning requirements or prerequisites.


Training delivery:

  • 3-6 months, depending on your needs.
  • Science papers: 6 x short courses covering the science and theory of preventative health and lifestyle medicine. 24/7 online, self-paced.
  • Coaching skills: 15 x interactive & immersive live labs to practice & hone coaching skills. Flexible delivery (in-person and virtual), led by PREKURE’s expert coaching Faculty.

Key learning outcomes:

  • A comprehensive understanding of evidence-based lifestyle medicine including knowledge and tools for nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress.
  • A comprehensive understanding and practice of coaching and behavioural change techniques, including neuroscience, motivational interviewing, habit formation and positive psychology.

A world class training faculty, including

Prof Grant Schofield

Prof Grant Schofield

Public Health

Director of The Centre for Human Potential at AUT University and professor of public health.

Dr Lily Fraser

Dr Lily Fraser

General Practice

GP and Clinical Director at Turuki Healthcare in Mangere, South Auckland with a passion for nutrition and improving health and wellbeing through lifestyle changes.

Dr Caryn Zinn

Dr Caryn Zinn


Registered Dietitian with over 20 years experience.

Dr Glen Davies

Dr Glen Davies

General Practice

Medical doctor focused on offering LCHF and Keto active management diets for chronic illness and disease. NZ GP of the Year for his work in reversing type 2 diabetes.

Sophia Dawson

Sophia Dawson

Registered Psychologist

Sophia has a passion for holistic wellbeing and is highly skilled in the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with her patients.

Sonya English

Sonya English

Lead Coach & Registered Nurse

Masters of health practice and highly experienced critical care nurse in the acute treatment of people suffering from ill-health.


What our learners are saying

Graduate testimonial

Anna’s story

“I guess the difference now is that I’m well equipped. I have the tools. The core elements of science and the evidence of preventative and lifestyle medicine. That’s what PREKURE is. Now I have the tools to help somebody make a shift and change their life forever. And, those tools work. Because they definitely worked on me. So for me, after doing the PREKURE Health Coaching training, it’s given me the principles to live a life that is positive with less stress and greater levels of happiness.”

Graduate testimonial

Leina’s Story

“Definitely the tools I’ve learned. The way you guys have taught us is like, ‘go see your families, speak with them, find out where they’re at, and then use the tools to support them but also remember that it’s their journey. And, then just weave yourself in as the practitioner.’ This is what PREKURE is doing. This is what I know and understand. What’s the best way to give this to the families that I’m working with?”

Workforce case study

Pasifika Medical Association

The Pasifika Medical Association is a network of Pacific health professionals working collaboratively to strengthen Pacific health workforce capacity and capability to meet the health needs of Pacific people in New Zealand. Improving the health outcomes of Pacific people is at the heart of all they do.

In 2021 they sought an educational partner to deliver more robust and rigorous training and bring an innovative, agile and responsive approach to meet the needs of Pacific health professionals and their communities. Read the Case Study.

Would you like to discuss your training needs?

Connect with Louise Schofield, PREKURE Co-founder, to discuss how we can support your unique requirements. 

Download a copy of our Health Coach Training prospectus

Proud partners of

The NZQA has evaluated the Health Coach Certificate (Micro-credential) and assessed it to be equivalent to 30 credits at Level 5 on the NZQF.