Megan Peacocke

Megan Peacocke

PREKURE CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH Megan Peacocke Tauranga | Facebook | Instagram I live in Tauranga with my husband and two active boys, and Pippa, our dog. I am passionate about helping people develop good lifestyle habits to sustain long-term health and wellness. With...
Jacqui Colley

Jacqui Colley

PREKURE HEALTH COACH Jacqui Colley Christchurch | | 027 686 8875 My name is Jacqui, I’m passionate about supporting men & women live their best life. Empowering you to achieve long term, sustainable Health and Wellness...
Ashlee Sturme

Ashlee Sturme

PREKURE HEALTH COACH Ashlee Sturme Whakatane || Facebook PREKURE Master Holistic Health Coach Ko Pūtauaki te maunga Ko Rangitaiki raua ko Tarawera ngā awa Ko Mātaatua te waka Ko Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa me Te Arawa ngā iwi Te Netherlands...
Jared Cannons

Jared Cannons

PREKURE CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH Jared Cannons Auckland E mihi ana ki ngā mana whenua. I acknowledge the mana whenua. Jared works alongside Dr Lily Fraser to help people reverse their type 2 diabetes. He is really good at helping people to make lifestyle changes that...
Tanja Blinkhorn

Tanja Blinkhorn

PREKURE CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH Tanja Blinkhorn Auckland | +64 21 1502 612 | Tanja helps women in their second half of life regain their ideal health & weight and to release their stress. Tanja believes that from this point of fresh mental...