Emma Piggot

Emma Piggot

PREKURE HEALTH COACH Emma Piggot Auckland | 027-663-1480| Instagram| Facebook Emma is a PREKURE certified Health Coach and Metabolic Nutrition Coach with a special interest in weight loss strategies for long-term success. Previously working in the natural health...
Jacqui Colley

Jacqui Colley

PREKURE HEALTH COACH Jacqui Colley Christchurch | www.ignitewellbeingnz.co.nz | 027 686 8875 My name is Jacqui, I’m passionate about supporting men & women live their best life. Empowering you to achieve long term, sustainable Health and Wellness...
Sheryl Masters

Sheryl Masters

PREKURE HEALTH COACH Sheryl Masters Bombay, Auckland | www.sherylmasters.coach| Facebook | Instagram PREKURE Certified Metabolic Nutrition Coach & Health Coach I blend science-backed nutrition strategies with a hearty dose of empathy and humour. I understand the...
Jared Cannons

Jared Cannons

PREKURE CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH Jared Cannons Auckland E mihi ana ki ngā mana whenua. I acknowledge the mana whenua. Jared works alongside Dr Lily Fraser to help people reverse their type 2 diabetes. He is really good at helping people to make lifestyle changes that...
Lisa Burch

Lisa Burch

PREKURE CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH Lisa Burch Masterton | www.bloomhealth.nz A former health planner and hotel owner, Lisa turned to health coaching after experiencing the benefits of taking control of her own health. After walking alongside her husband as he reversed his...