Hello and welcome to PREKURE’s weekly snippet of science, where on a weekly basis we share emergent research related to extending the human healthspan.
You’ve probably heard about leaky gut, it seems to be all the craze at the moment, and rightfully so. Not looking after your gut and a poorly functioning microbiome and lack of diversity in the microbiota (tiny bugs living in your gut) have been associated with several diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome, T2D, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and anxiety. But, have you heard about a leaky blood-brain barrier (BBB)?
In this week’s snippet of science, we will be introducing you to an emerging area of research, the theoretical concept known as the leaky BBB. The blood-brain barrier works to selectively let only specific molecules through into the brain however sometimes it becomes more permeable or leaky. The theory of a leaky brain is still relatively new and is yet to be verified in human studies, to date findings in this area are mainly related to cell culture or brain tissue studies.
The loss of selectivity seen in an impaired BBB has been linked to several diseases including anxiety, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases but the directionality of this relationship has yet to be established.
It is worth noting that although several factors (like inflammation, toxins, and a leaky gut) have been linked to a leaky brain, to date, these finds are merely associational and not causational.
There are THREE blog posts that we recommend you read that covers topics including:
- What is the blood-brain barrier?
- Factors linked to “leaky brain”
- Conditions linked to a compromised BBB
- 11 factors that disrupt the BBB
- Factors proposed to improve “leaky brain”
Part 1: Introduction to the Blood-Brain Barrier, Causes of Leaky Brain, and Resulting Diseases
Part 2: 11 Factors That Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier
Part 3: What is a “Leaky” Blood-Brain Barrier & Can You Improve it?