Why ‘Pre-Cure’ is the key to health

Why ‘Pre-Cure’ is the key to health

Pre-Cure or Precure (noun): A proactive approach to health, emphasising prevention over treatment. A revolutionary method aiming to extend the human healthspan by addressing the root causes of chronic diseases before they manifest. A lifestyle choice that involves...
Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Why most New Year’s resolutions fail If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how on earth is it the end of December already. Yes, despite the previous 365 days , only now has this revelation occurred. Of course everything is busier than ever and...
How much Does a Health Coach Earn?

How much Does a Health Coach Earn?

Now the fact that you’ve clicked on this blog means you’re probably wondering how much a health coach earns. So let’s get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. Payscale deems the median health coach salary to be $55,000, however, averages...