Elizabeth Marshall
Wellington | 027 222 7057 |
Elizabeth is a PREKURE Certified Health Coach, trained Recovery Coach, and chef, passionate about helping people heal their relationship with food, their bodies, and ultimately themselves.
Working with women, adopted people, and the LGBTQIA+ community, she brings compassion and gentle curiosity to support you on your health and well-being journey. Elizabeth empowers you to see your own value to shift towards a more positive relationship with food and nutrition, physical health, and emotional well-being.
Elizabeth understands what it’s like to struggle with a sense of self, disordered eating/drinking, and addiction, as she’s been there in the past. Like Te Whare Tapa Whā, the four walls of well-being, if one area of your life is unsupported or neglected, it can affect your whole self.
So whether in person or online, she meets you where you’re at using the art of coaching along with behaviour change techniques and health science to support you holistically.
Click on the outcome you want to achieve to see our top recommended Health Coaches, right here and right now.
The Health Coaches listed above have successfully completed one or more relevant PREKURE programs and have confirmed to PREKURE that they are current members of a relevant professional body. PREKURE does not employ or endorse any particular Health Coach but is providing this information to assist individuals find a Health Coach that meets their needs. Individuals make their own decisions about working with a particular coach.