Personal Branding for Health Coaches

By: Shelley Smith, PREKURE Health Coach & Brand Expert

The thought of creating a personal brand can be a scary thought for Health Coaches. Most of us got into this profession because we want to help people change their habits so the idea of promoting ourselves is daunting. However creating a distinct and compelling personal brand is the key to standing out in a competitive market, establishing credibility, and attracting a loyal client base. I’ll talk you through why a personal brand is important for a Health Coach and how to create one. 

Do you need a personal brand?

Yes, and you already have one whether you like it or not, from a random social media post to an out-of-date LinkedIn profile, that is your brand online. How you dress when you show up to a coaching session or meeting, whether you show up on time or actually practise what you preach to clients, this is your brand offline, and both are important. 

People will only buy from who they know, like and trust. Your personal brand is the intersection between your unique personality, vibe and the product you sell. You need to bring a unique presence to how you show up as a Health Coach.

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How do you create a personal brand?

A good starting point is figuring out what you stand for, what you are passionate about and what your niche is. Identify what sets you apart from other Health Coaches, this becomes your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).  It could be your personal journey, a unique methodology, or a specialised skill. Communicate clearly why someone should choose you as their Health Coach over others.

Also, think about who your audience is and how they can benefit from your unique skills. 

Write your story

Your personal brand story can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract the right clients to your coaching business.

It can also inspire others to take action. By sharing your own journey and the lessons you’ve learned along the way, you can motivate others to take charge of their health and be the best version of themselves.

Start by asking yourself what are the key events and experiences that have shaped your life up until now? A personal brand story isn’t just a list of accomplishments or a chronological timeline of your life. It’s the story of your values, your passions, and your mission. It’s the story of why you do what you do and how you make a difference in the world.

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Build your brand online

A strong personal brand on social media can position you as an authority, elevate your credibility, widen your circle of influence, and help you make a more significant impact.  Share your personality, passion for what you do, and expertise in a way that brings value to people.

You don’t have to try and educate people immediately about health and wellness on your social media, you can just begin by documenting the process of starting out as a Health Coach. People connect with authenticity and vulnerability online.

There are four digital touch points that I would consider essential:

  1. A personal website where your audience can find out more about you.
  2. A visual identity that includes a logo and brand colours to reinforce your brand message and to use across different visual touch points.
  3. A branded email address for added credibility.
  4. A social media presence on either 1 or 2 platforms where your audience hangs out. LinkedIn is recommended for everyone.
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Show up consistently

Being easily identifiable and perceived as trustworthy is key to having a strong presence both online and offline. Everything from what you wear, to how to speak is part of your personal brand. For example if one day you show up dressed for the boardroom and the other for the beach it creates an inconsistent message about who you are.

The final step for Health Coaches is to ABC – Always Be Connecting – connect with your peers, potential clients and adjacent businesses both in person and online. The more people who know and trust your brand, the more likely they are going to share opportunities with you. You only get one chance to make a first impression.

Building a personal brand as a Health Coach is an ongoing process that requires dedication, authenticity, and a deep understanding of your target audience. Your brand is not just a logo or a tagline, it’s the sum total of the experiences and perceptions your clients have of you.

About Shelley Smith

Shelley is a holistic Health Coach, who combines the latest science in preventive lifestyle medicine with Eastern philosophy and Ayurvedic wisdom, to help clients achieve their wellbeing goals. Motivated by a desire to optimise her own health, she transitioned from a fast paced corporate life working in advertising and design for over 10 years, with a ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ mentality, to a PREKURE certified Health Coach. Shelley is passionate about taking a holistic look at clients’ life, from their nutrition, exercise, resilience to relationships, and supporting them to be the best version of themselves. 

Learn more about PREKURE’s Master Coach Program for specialty training in behaviour change, coaching, nutrition and metabolic health, mental health and wellbeing, and become certified to holistically support clients across all areas of their health.

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