Congratulations to all 81 PREKURE students who graduated at a ceremony held at PreKure’s headquarters in Takapuna, Auckland.
It was a social and inspirational evening, where students, graduates, friends, family and the PreKure Faculty and staff got to meet in person. It was wonderful to see students who have only seen each other online, connect with each other and some of the course instructors in real life.
The May 2021 PreKure graduates are…drum roll, please…
Health Coach Certificate
Certificate in Health Science
Certificate in Health and Mental Wellbeing
Certificate in Nutritional Science
Certificate in Advanced Nutrition
Congratulations! Together, we are changing the world.
Dr Glen Davies, GP and PreKure Faculty member, gave an inspirational talk via video. (Watch Dr Glen Davies’ talk below). Dr Carlo Bellini, PreKure’s Lead Coach, also attended virtually and gave a speech.
PreKure’s Faculty members Sharon Tomkins (Assistant Coach), Dr Catherine Crofts (Pharmacist), Sonya English (Lead Coach, Critical Care Nurse), Louise Schofield (PhD, Behaviour change) and Prof Grant Schofield (Public Health) were present on the night (pictured below).
Health Coach graduate Ree George gave a powerful speech on behalf of the students.
Awards for outstanding work and achievements in the PreKure community
Health Coach and PreKure Assistant Coach Maja Paterson was awarded the PreKure Community Spirit Award. Maja is continually supporting and championing other people in the PreKure Health Coach Facebook group, in PreKure Network meetings, and in the wider community in any way that she can.
Health Coach Jared Cannons won the Heart of PreKure Award. Jared is a PreKure Certified Health Coach, teaching LCHF cooking classes at Turuki Health Care, helping whānau make positive health and wellbeing choices, and he’s always there to support and encourage other Health Coaches and students in the PreKure community. Jared, you are truly making a difference in the world!
Health Coach and Pilates instructor Vania Dunn won the Established Health Coach of the Year Award. We have watched Vania go from strength to strength in building her health coaching business. Find out more about Vania and her business here.
Are you interested in becoming a PreKure Certified Health Coach?
Get the world’s best health coach training. At home, from credible medical, nutrition, coaching and wellness experts.